Published by Consiglio Direttivo Mediterranea | 20 / Jul / 2023

Africa Counter Summit "No deals on our Skin" - 23 July, Spin Time Labs

In conjunction with the summit between the Italian government and several African Heads of State, scheduled to take place on 23 July in Rome, Refugees in Libya and MEDITERRANEANEA Saving Humans are promoting the "Africa Counter Summit", a counter-summit that will be attended by refugee spokespersons and activists from different African countries.

The nationalities represented in the Counter Summit will be:





South Sudan


Burkina Faso





Ivory Coast

Video links to Libya and the counter-summit from Tunis are also planned.

"Africa Counter Summit" has the precise aim of countering the governmental narrative on the Mediterranean and Africa, based on the systematic concealment of human rights violations operated by the regimes in power in these countries, with the direct testimonies of people who were born there and have been forced to flee because of the unsustainable living conditions.

The examination of the memoranda, military and trade agreements between the European Union and Italy, which support the dictatorial and undemocratic regimes of the countries bordering the Mediterranean and sub-Saharan countries, in exchange for the 'blockade' in detention of women, men and childrenə, will be the focus of the Counter Summit's working day.

L'incontro si inserisce nell'ambito dell'attività di promozione e costruzione di reti della società civile organizzate mediterranee, che possano contrastare la strategia europea ed italiana di sostegno ai regimi e alle autocrazie che opprimono le popolazioni. Reti organizzate che continuino a sostenere il soccorso civile in mare, il diritto di asilo, i diritti umani e sociali. Reti capaci di praticare un altro Mediterraneo possibile e giusto, a partire dal sostegno in tutti i paesi africani, delle lotte e mobilitazioni della popolazione contro la fame, la miseria e lo sfruttamento.

I lavori dell'Africa Counter Summit si svolgeranno presso l'auditorium di Spin Time Labs (Roma, Via di S. Croce in Gerusalemme, 55), a partire dalle ore 12:00, e saranno trasmessi in diretta Facebook sulle pagine di Refugees in Libya e MEDITERRANEA Saving Humans.

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